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Image of a forest with a circular complex piece of land-art floating in the space between the trees

Are You Ready for Today’s Business Complexity?

Are You Ready for Today’s Business Complexity? As consultants and coaches, we know our clients are faced with a more complex world than any previous generation of leaders.  And we know, our clients struggle to engage with this additional complexity as they attempt to design business models that will flourish.  But what is it about […]

Are You Ready for Today’s Business Complexity? Read More »

*NEW* Flourishing Business Canvas v2.1

Good news… you are now able to freely download the new v2.1 of the Flourishing Business Canvas and the associated and completely Revised Interactive Guide / Video Companion from our website and the Library of Resources in our community. This blog post introduces the v2.1 canvas, including describing the differences between the previous version (2.0) and the

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Global Goals vs. Flourishing Goals

Evolving from Sustainable Development to Sustainable Flourishing

There is No Point to this Blog Post To most immersed in Western culture, this blog post has no purpose.  There is no need to evolve our understanding of sustainable human development.  The current, and many would say obvious, goal of sustaining human development is to raise the standards of living of everyone in the

Evolving from Sustainable Development to Sustainable Flourishing Read More »

Flourishing Business - Earth Diversity Community

Saving Ourselves or Saving the World – Starting a Necessary Conversation

Earth Day… Get’s it Backwards As Earth Day 2022 fades into the distance, it is worth recalling that on that day we were once again exhorted to save the world, save the planet, save the earth, save the whale, save the forests, protect the environment, and so on.  And these are noble objectives.  And we

Saving Ourselves or Saving the World – Starting a Necessary Conversation Read More »