Flourishing Business Community
Speakers Series: Stories from the Field #01
Bouvet’s Client’s Experience using the Flourishing Business Canvas with Kristian Amlie
Date: Tuesday April 11 |
Time: 15h00 UTC – 08h00 PST, 11h00 EDT, 16h00 GMT, 17h00 CET, 01h00 JST (+1 day) |
Duration: 1 hour |
Registration: Required via Eventbrite at |
For the first of our new monthly flourishing business community speaker series: stories from the field, the community is delighted to welcome Kristian F.L. Amlie from Bouvet – a Scandinavian IT and consulting company with over 2,000 employees in 17 offices.
Kristian, with many colleagues at Bouvet, has been using the Flourishing Business Canvas since 2019 to drive strategic conversations with their clients about sustainability and business development. Bouvet helps its clients to develop business models that are aligned with and go-beyond the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Bouvet then works with these clients to develop IT solutions that can enable the new sustainability outcomes – helping “to create a smarter and greener everyday life” .
Kristian is an environmental leader at Bouvet and contributed to the development of their Sustainability Manifesto. He was also one of three inter-regional people in Bouvet planning and offering the training of his colleagues in the use of the Flourishing Business Canvas.
In his talk Kristian will share the experience of working with Bouvet’s Clients using the Flourishing Business Canvas, including:
- What is Bovet’s objective when using the Canvas with clients?
- How did Bouvet train their staff to using the Canvas?
- How have clients reacted to the Canvas?
- What results have Bouvet’s clients achieved?
- What is exciting and challenging about the Canvas?
- What does Bouvet hope to gain from participating in the Flourishing Business Community?
- What can Bouvet offer to the community?
At the end of his talk Kristian will take questions from members of the community.
After the event a video of the talk plus any slides will be shared in the “Speaker Series” space of the Flourishing Business Community. Please join other flourishing business leaders and become a full member to access.
A video of this event and the slides presented are available in the Flourishing Business Community Speaker Series Space https://community.flourishingbusiness.org/posts/speaker-series-presentation-video
You need to be a full member of the community to access.