Case Studies

Flourishing Business Canvas

We continue to develop case studies with members of the Flourishing Business Community. Please contact us if you have a case study you’d like us to feature here.

Large Scale Companies – Evaluating Business Models – Patagonia

The canvas can be used as a tool to review and analyse the business models of larger enterprises, looking at how the different aspects of their business interrelate. In the case below, Holonomics Education reviewed Patagonia, using the Flourishing Business Canvas to capture key social, environmental and financial aspects of the business model.

For more case studies and examples of the Flourishing Business Canvas in action from Holonomics Education please see their website for a full breakdown of their recent work with the Toolkit.

Hospital as a Business for Flourishing – North York General Hospital

As part of their MDes in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from OCAD, Jyotish Sonowal used the Canvas with North York General Hospital to help clinicians and administrators analyze their current service offerings, find gaps and come up with recommendations to improve. The full MRP, Hospital as a Business for Flourishing, 2017, can be found here.

Completed Canvas from staff at North York General Hospital from Jyotish Sonowal 2017 Hospital as a Business for Flourishing MRP Report