Our Vision
We believe business must become a key enabler for the possibility for human and all other life to flourish on this planet for generations to come.
We partner with organizations who share our vision and values.

During the development and testing of the Flourishing Business Canvas we formed relationships with over 320 “First Explorers” who partnered with us, used the canvas in their communities, and provided us with feedback.
In order to assess whether or not a given business model design will enable the possibility for flourishing we have partnered with and actively use the Future-Fit Business Benchmark.
Future-Fit Business Benchmark, also available under a Creative Commons license, is developed, promoted and stewarded by the non-profit Future-Fit Foundation. Their vision is a future in which everyone has the opportunity to flourish. Given where we are today, this can only be realized through a rapid and radical shift in the way the global economy works.
The Future-Fit Business Benchmark is a free business tool designed to guide real progress toward a flourishing future by identifying the extra-financial breakeven point for business. This line in the sand that every company and investor must strive to reach is expressed as a set of 23 Break-Even Goals. This goal-oriented approach enables any business to engage its key audiences more effectively, with future-focused communications that highlight the true value of its achievements, its actions and its ambitions.
To learn more see this blog post and the recordings of these events available in the community.