Our Vision
We believe business must become a key enabler for the possibility for human and all other life to flourish on this planet for generations to come.
Stories from the Field: Using the Canvas to Start New Enterprises
Flourishing Business Community Speakers Series: Stories from the Field #03 Using the Canvas to Start New Enterprises with Ondine Hogeboom
Stories from the Field: Using the Canvas to Develop Strategy & Model the Future
Flourishing Business Community Speakers Series: Stories from the Field #02 Using the Canvas to Develop Strategy & Model the Future
Stories from the Field: Bouvet’s Clients’ Experience
Flourishing Business Community Speakers Series: Stories from the Field #01 Bouvet’s Client’s Experience using the Flourishing Business Canvas with Kristian
*NEW* Flourishing Business Canvas v2.1
Good news… you are now able to freely download the new v2.1 of the Flourishing Business Canvas and the associated and completely
Evolving from Sustainable Development to Sustainable Flourishing
There is No Point to this Blog Post To most immersed in Western culture, this blog post has no purpose.
Sustainable Earth – Part II
Sustainable Earth: A New Destination for Western Culture? A two-part blog post that explores how our modernist culture got us
Sustainable Earth – Part I
The first of a two-part blog post that explores how our modernist culture got us into the mess we’re in, and a small suggestion of how to proceed to an Earth that can sustain the possibility for human and all other life to flourish for generations to come.
Saving Ourselves or Saving the World – Starting a Necessary Conversation
Earth Day… Get’s it Backwards As Earth Day 2022 fades into the distance, it is worth recalling that on that
Six Reasons for Enterprises to Aim-to-Flourish
So why would entrepreneurs and leaders of established enterprises want to adopt goal of aiming-to-flourish as the core of their
Why Flourishing?
What Should the Purpose of My Business Be? If you ask me “What should the purpose of my enterprise be?”,