First Explorers Simon and Maria Robinson have used the Flourishing Business Canvas to explore a wide range on companies, including the case study below from Dear Green Coffee Roasters in Glasgow Scotland. In Simon’s interview with the founder, Lisa Lawson, they discuss the importance of building strong relationships with suppliers and customers who share the same values, and developing a quality product while giving back to the communities that provide the raw materials.
The challenge is then how do you succinctly capture all of this information about the full value chain that has made Dear Green so successful? And do so in a way that can be useful for the business to study themselves to find ways to improve? Or in a way that allows you to tell powerful stories to potential partners and customers that captures the soul of the enterprise? Simon and Maria created a version of the Flourishing Business Canvas for the company to help capture their story and display it in a way that could be useful to them, or to a potential customer.