Flourishing Business Community
Speakers Series: Stories from the Field #16
Canvas as an Inspiration Tool for Young Entrepreneurs with Alejandra Vidal
Date: Tuesday October 8 |
Time: 15h00 UTC – 08h00 PST, 11h00 EST, 16h00 BST, 17h00 CEST, 00h00 JST (+1 day). To convert UTC to your timezone click here |
Duration: 1 hour |
Registration: Required via Eventbrite at bit.ly/SFF16-Register |
For our sixteenth monthly flourishing business community speaker series: stories from the field, the community is delighted to welcome Alejandra Vidal who is a professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the School of Management in EAFIT University, Medellín, Colombia.
Alejandra is currently studying for a PhD in Social Sciences. She leads the design of entrepreneurship, imagination, and marketing courses using new approaches such as project-based learning, service learning, and game-based learning.
EAFIT University is a cutting-edge university that offers 19 undergraduate programs, 3 doctorates, 21 master’s degree programs, and more than 60 graduate certificate programs, as well as continuing education programs, language courses, and more. The institution also has satellite campuses in Bogotá, Pereira, and Llanogrande (Rionegro)
Alejandra coordinates the Innovation and entrepreneurship research “seedbeed” at EAFIT University, a group of 25 students passionate about business. This group uses the Flourishing Business Canvas and the Flourishing Startup Method within a service-learning strategy. Alejandra also designs workshops and pedagogical materials to replicate the ideas behind the Canvas and Method. Her research question for her PhD is about the emergence of flourishing entrepreneurship in Colombian rural areas with high levels of biodiversity
In her talk, Alejandra will highlight:
- Reaction of the Management faculty towards the idea of Flourishing Business Models
- Challenges for the students and the entrepreneurs learning about the Canvas and Method.
- Uses of characters and storytelling to ease the adoption of the design tool
- Changes in approach based on the experience so far
- What does Alejandra hope to gain from participating in the Flourishing Business Community?
- What can Alejandra offer to the community?
At the end of her talk, Alejandra will take questions from members of the community. After the event, a video of the talk plus slides will be shared in the “Speaker Series” space of the Flourishing Business Community. Please join other flourishing business leaders and become a full member to access.
A video of this event and the slides presented are available in the Flourishing Business Community Speaker Series Space https://community.flourishingbusiness.org/posts/speaker-series-presentation-video-66095405 You need to be a fully paid member of the community to access.