Flourishing Business Community
Speakers Series: Stories from the Field #18
Applying the Canvas with Newcomer Entrepreneurs with Lori Farley
Date: Tuesday, December 10 |
16h00 UTC – 08h00 PST, 11h00 EST, 15h00 BST, 16h00 CET, 01h00 JST (+1 day). To convert UTC to your timezone, click here |
Duration: 1 hour |
Registration: Required via Eventbrite at bit.ly/SFF18-Register |
For our eighteenth monthly flourishing business community speaker series: stories from the field, the community is delighted to welcome Lori Farley from INTONOVUS, based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
After decades in the nonprofit sector, in 2005 Lori launched umewe Projects & Consulting to bridge the gap between nonprofit and corporate mindsets across various industries. In 2017, she co-founded INTONOVUS Canada and Impact Calgary as a social enterprise partnership focusing on business model innovations that activate, amplify, and champion cross-sector social innovation and socio-economic development. Her passion is to help businesses embed social and environmental priorities as they develop, realizing impact AND feasibility – purpose AND profit – within the “Fourth Sector”.
Then in 2021, Lori was one of the four co-founders of the Flourishing Enterprise Co-lab, building a community to bring the Flourishing Business Canvas (FBC) to the world: a tool for leaders to actualize socially beneficial, environmentally regenerative, and financially viable businesses.
Over the past three years Lori has designed and delivered programming using the Flourishing Business Canvas for newcomers to Canada who are taking an entrepreneurial approach to their future prosperity. This program is funded by the Canadian Federal Government Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Department (IRCC)
In addition to the use of the Canvas, this programming is innovative because of the way it enables participants to consider self, values, and a flourishing mindset. The programme uses mind-to-hand creativity and connection, think tanks to foster innovation, and community building. Further, culture, mental health, games and resiliency building challenges are embedded in the programme. Stickies are auto populated to FBC on Miro, and all the work they do during the course is auto populated into their business plan. To date 11 cohorts, consisting of over 220 participants started the programme, 148 have graduated (66%), and 30% have launched new enterprises..
During her talk Lori will highlight:
- Resistance and confusion
- Evolving use of technology to enhance and accelerate modeling on the Canvas
- Loopy Conversations and the “surprise” model(s)
- What does Intonovus hope to gain from participating in the Flourishing Business Community?
- What can Intonovus offer to the community?
At the end of her talk Lori will take questions from members of the community.
After the event, a video of the talk plus slides will be shared in the “Speaker Series” space of the Flourishing Business Community. Please join other flourishing business leaders and become a full member to access.
A video of this event and the slides presented are available in the Flourishing Business Community Speaker Series Space https://community.flourishingbusiness.org/posts/speaker-series-presentation-video-71344769 You need to be a fully paid member of the community to access.